Thursday, June 16, 2011


When we purchased our home, we purchased it new. It was great to be able to pick and choose what we wanted, from cabinets to appliances- the customization seemed endless. One thing we opted for was the master bedroom suite- a larger room with a larger bathroom, neither of which were a selling point for me. What got me? The master closet. This mini room provides about the same square footage as many college dorm rooms. It would be great for a couple to share, but in our case I have way too much stuff and Jason is forced to use to the closet in the spare.

The problem however, is that any space looks large when empty. Only a few after moving in, what once appeared a vast space became full, jumbled, and annoying.

Annoyed because when you have every option to customize your home, they let some man (it just had to be a man) customize my closet by hanging shelves in the stupidest of ways. Jason's friend is in the home remodeling business and is supposed to come redo this disaster, I'm not holding my breath.

One good thing did come while trying to make some order out of the clutter in my closet- I stumbled upon this jem:

This adorable rabbit fur trimmed Coach evening style bag was a limited edition a few years back.

Definitely will be coming with me on our honeymoon to St. Lucia!

If I could just find some money I didn't know I had.....

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