Thursday, September 24, 2015

Baby Registry MUST HAVES

When it comes to registering for a baby, it can be overwhelming. There are so many things people tell you that you "need" or "must have" and then you think half of this crap didn't exist when you were born  (let alone thousands of years) and well we all made it!
What you really need is for things to be easy, convenient, and simple.
First read-
**This book was a game changer!! We had JC sleeping through the night at 6 weeks and crying doesn't last more than a few minutes now.
In the book they talk about the 5 S's and some items to register for can help with that- (soothe/suck- pacifier, swinging- a swing, swaddle- blankets, susher- the shusher app/device...the last S is stomach or side positioning so nothing needed to buy there).
All the other books scared me to death...avoid books like "What to Expect...."
Here is a list of the things I found to be "registry worthy" and things we have used daily since JC was born 2 months ago that made our lives easier- and in no particular order of importance.
 Each pictured is the brand/model we use.

1. Bottles
We went with Dr. Browns. They have a bunch of parts which can make cleaning a pain, but it is for good reason (air flow/ anti colic) and they were the ones that JC latched on to. I like the wide neck plastic. There are different size nipples for various ages that can be purchased to fit in the same bottles which is nice too.

Word of advice- when nesting- don't do this with bottles. I got several sets of different brands and washed and had them all ready to go...well JC only liked these. So for the other sets that were washed and put away with the boxes waste. So either just get a few types (not $50 sets) or save your boxes until you realize what works and what can be returned.

2. Bottle Drying Rack, Brush, and Soap

This counter top drying rack system from Boon is great! Holds all the bottle parts and the "twig" holds the nipples for drying. The brush gets all the pieces clean and the soap is all natural. You go through a lot of bottles with a newborn and that means you clean a lot of bottles. Make it easy on yourself and get everything shown here!
Word of advice- get the largest drying rack...we started with the "patch" and it barely fit all the parts and they were falling off on the counter and had to be carefully placed to make room. Getting the larger one- "the lawn"-holds everything without any extra thought of organizing which when you are tired you do not have the patience for!

3. Bobby Pillow and Cover
Although I did not nurse, this pillow came in handy for feedings as well as propping up JC on the couch, (while we were with him of course) and he often fell asleep in this position. The cover easily zips off for cleaning. 

4. Bassinet
This Simmons bassinet came free with the purchase of my crib. At first I didn't plan to buy a bassinet, but it proved to be very useful. The first 3 weeks, we used the bassinet in our bedroom, then transitioned him to the nursery in his crib. We then moved and since stuff was in storage, we again used the bassinet. I often used it while I showered, since I could easily move the bassinet around (on wheels) and roll it up near the bathroom door. JC loved the mobile and music (plays 3 melodies) and also vibrates. The bottom storage sections is nice for burp cloths and blankets as well.

5. Monitor
Gets daily use and worth every penny and needs no explanation to why, but I will say this model is great (Levana Keera 3.5"). It is a clear display, long battery life, and even takes pictures and records video.

6. Crib/Dresser/Changing Station

This furniture is clearly a necessity. There are a lot of clothes, blankets, towels, and bibs that you will want to store, so having a larger dresser or two is handy. Our one dresser we used as a changing table and the crib converts to a bed- so all the items serve more than one purpose/use.

7. Diaper Bag and Accessories

Wow it was not easy to find a simple diaper bag that was free of flowers, horrid prints, and 5 gazillion outer pockets- which screams diaper bag. This bag from Skip Hop is perfect, simple, and durable- hooks to stroller, can be worn over shoulder, and is sleek.
This wipes case from Skip Hop is great. Easy dispenses wipes and snaps on to the bag so you are not fumbling for a wipe during a blow out!
This J Cole pacifier holder is snapped to the outer strap of the diaper bag and fits 2 pacifiers. It sounds silly, but this item is a must and makes getting a pacifier quick without having to dig through a bag especially when driving.
Just as we had hooked to our dogs leash, we now have hooked to the diaper bag. These bags are slightly larger and designed for diapers, they come in handy on the go for storing dirty diapers when a trashcan isn't close by (like a change done in the car in a parking lot).

8. Pacifiers

We began using the Avent pacifier but gravitated more to the MAM pacifiers, which JC seemed to like more and not fall out as easy since they were smaller and not as wide. Both BPA free and approved for 0-6 months of age. We began day 2 using a pacifier.

9. Wipe Warmer
So many registry lists say that this is not a must have.....well when you are changing a crying baby with a poopy diaper that is squirming around, having wipes pop right up is much better than having to use two hands to try to get them out of those crappy plastic things they come in and then worrying about them drying up! Plus this one from Price Lionheart has a nightlight, so changing at night is easy without having to turn on a bright baby waking light.

10. Bath tub and water pour
I would like to see how someone gives a baby a bath without one of these! This is a must have.
This one is from Fisher Price and is nice because it has a hook to hang from shower curtain rod for storing ad drying.
This baby water rinser is great for keeping water out of the baby's eyes and the soft rubber is nice to protect baby's head. This cute one is the one we have from Skip Hop.

11. Swing
A swing is a must for newborns. JC naps in his daily. This model from Graco is nice because it swings, vibrates, and disassembles to a portable bouncy seat. Has a bunch of settings and sounds, but we keep it on the highest setting and never use the sounds.

12. Play mat
This mat from Baby Einstein is great for keeping baby entertained and happy! JC gets very excited on his mat and loves the music the turtle makes. The mat is easy to wipe for spit up and is super light and easy to move.

13. Swaddle Blankets

These super soft breathable swaddle blankets are from Aden + Anais (we have the rock star set shown here). They are the perfect size for swaddling and dub as a blanket, burp cloth, tummy time blanket, you name it these are used all the time and get softer with each wash. Worth the price.

14. Day Dreamer

I had no clue what this contraption was the first month or so, but glad I found out and got one! This recliner is perfect for baby to hangout in and nap- safe, effective, and honestly looks really comfy! Was pricey ($130 HERE ) but if something makes your baby sleep and stay asleep- well then it is worth every penny! The cover zips off for washing and there are straps to keep them in once they are more mobile. For use on the floor (not in a crib) so great for the living room.

15. Baby Shusher

This is the $35 version, but I downloaded the $5 app on my phone.
The white noise or SHUSHING sound soothes baby, stops crying, and helps them sleep.


16. Car Seat Canopy
Got this for free (just shipping). Was an offer I received when registering or buying maternity clothes. Go here. Either way, it's great for keeping out sunlight, germs, and

Stuff we didn't use and still don't use:
1. Any sort of swaddling sack- he hated, got hot, and upset.
  • Again in nesting, washed and put away many when I should have tried one and returned the others.
2. Pack and Play
  • So hard to set up and take apart- way too frustrating. Takes up a ton of room. Wish we could return it.
3. Newborn Clothing
  • Didn't fit, even as a newborn.
4. Mitts
  • People told me these were needed to prevent baby from scratching his face....I put them on constantly in the first few days, although they kept coming off. When I was at the doctor, he advised me that these mitts limit the baby's ability to use his hands and should never be worn and minor scratches are not life threatening and far better than a child who cannot use his hands. In the last two months he still hasn't scratched his face :)
5. Baby Carrier
  • I've yet to wear baby- and he's perfectly fine in his car seat carrier.
6. Toys, teething stuff, books
  • This stuff is all great and I'm sure will be used down the road, but the first few months baby is way too young for this stuff. My advice- get the stuff you will use right away and get this stuff later.

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